题目:How to accelerate rural households switch to cleaner cooking fuels: The importance and mechanisms of peer effects
This article focuses on the China context and attempts to investigate the existing of peer effects in the diffusion of clean cooking fuels among rural households, as well as identify the mechanisms through which peer effects are enacted from a perspective of social networks. We observe higher adoption of clean cooking fuels in areas wherein adoption is already relatively high. Form the historical perspective, however, these peer spillovers decrease over time. We also find if the social circles of households are more extensive, or/and their communication with neighbors, relatives and friends are closer, their choices of clean cooking fuels are more likely to be affected by peer groups. Following our results, we consider interventions such as strengthening social interactions across rural households should be part of the battery of instruments used by governments, so as to stimulate the positive peer spillovers, in helping more households switch to cleaner cooking fuels.